
Thanks to the web developers and contributors to their sites for making some of the brochures in this site possible.  Thanks to Wikipedia for automaker history.

Checker Brochures-Pics-History

The Internet Checker Taxicab Archive

Ben Merkel and Joe Fay


Timothy Moriarty
Fred Nunamaker
Naranthiran Shanmugasundaram
Pazderka Vítězslav
Mark Soo
Mr Heaterbox
Joseph DePronio
Josh Brinson
Ameer Iraq Gamer

Much of the material on this website is in the public domain and has no copyright attached to it. Original articles appearing herein are subject to copyright. Material on this website is presented solely for historical research and educational purposes only. Any trademarks appearing on this site are the sole property of the registered owners. No endorsement by the trademark owners is to be construed, nor was any sought. The products, brand names, characters, related slogans and indicia are or may be claimed as trademarks of their respective owners. The use of such material falls under the Fair Use provisions of intellectual property laws.